How to develop a perfect mobile-friendly learning content

Mobile learning development has grown by leaps and bounds in the last few years as more learners use mobile devices to gain information. Designing mobile learning content to provide a holistic learning experience requires one to develop a proper strategy to make content memorable and compelling.

The basic steps

To ensure learning, one should first learn as much as they possibly can about their learners. The basic key to help create a successful mobile strategy for your learning material is to know your audience well. Learn if they use mobile and tablets regularly and what kind of information they access. Also, ask if they are comfortable with using mobile devices for learning or still a bit conventional.

A friendly format

To ensure that your mobile learning development project is successful one needs to make the content digestible from the learners’ perspective. Designing mobile learning content from scratch or only repurposing your existing content to be more mobile-friendly requires two very different strategies. When repurposing your content, one needs to be aware of the kind of content that can be easily made mobile friendly. Some parts of your existing content may need to be completely changed to fit the mobile formats. Creating new content is always the easier option but it will attract a longer time for development and associated costs.

Chunk the content

While developing and designing mobile learning content most people forget half-way through that the learner will be accessing these courses on the go. Any mobile learning development that has lengthy text without any bullet points or highlights in terms of bold or colored or different font styles, will be rejected by the audience. One needs to remember at all times of this development, that this is a distracted audience. This content has to be not only powerful but also packed with information while grabbing their attention.


While the mobile learning development process may be rushed or not, one should ensure that the process of designing mobile learning content is not rushed. The learner may have a few minutes on an average to access a course but if the process of development is rushed, it will ruin your ultimate goal of providing education.


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