How to Easily Convert your Flash assets to a Mobile-Friendly Format

Any future-thinking enterprise is contemplating the pros and cons of flash to html5 conversion of their learning assets nowadays. HTML5 development is being used for any new developments but to make learning mobile-friendly, companies are spending around 24% of their training budgets for flash conversions of their existing resources. However, most of them are unaware of this conversion process that consists of the following steps:

Collect source files: Before starting the process, one needs to ensure that all source files including flash files, XML, media files, and other supporting files are available. This will ease the process of migration. In the absence of the source files, one may convert them through a recording strategy which is a more effort-intensive and costly affair. 

Extract content and media: After this collection, one needs to extract the various files into a folder structure that has all media and text elements separately like audio, video, graphics, text, PDFs, etc. 

Select the right authoring tool: Many rapid authoring tools convert flash files to the html5 format but one needs to check them before selecting the one that works for your particular work. Some are good for interactivities, while others are better for simulations or even text-heavy courses. Some of the past assets may not be replicated in the HTML5 format at all and one shall need alternatives. 

Finalize GUI: Most authoring tools provide readymade GUI templates which may even be customized to an extent. Many GUIs provide options to enhance the learning experience by converting the complex animation into a series of infographics, flowcharts, videos, etc. to ease the learning process. 

Pick the right template: Authoring tools also provide templates and one needs to pick one that may be customized as per your requirement and be reused across your courses. Build a prototype with it for further processing. 

Get approvals: Use the prototype made above to gain necessary approvals from various stakeholders. 

Perform a quality check: Most of the flash to html5 conversion fail as they fail to check if the course meets all the quality norms. HTML5 development though made easy through the authoring tools is not 100% perfect and one needs to check the course on various devices, browsers, etc. and check it thoroughly before rollout.


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