How to find an elearning company

 Whether you want an off-the-shelf or custom module, all elearning content development companies should follow these few rules to develop their products. However, a simple search on the internet will not provide one with the details that any company follows for their custom elearning content development.

Any of the elearning content development companies who do not follow these rules will surely be cutting costs which will in the long run affect the quality and time required to finish their custom elearning content development process and should at best be avoided. Interviewing them will give one an idea of their process and help you make a better choice. The steps that all elearning content development companies should follow are:
  1. Analysis: They should be able to analyse the content, the target audience and the objectives of the learning requirements. Based on these learnings they should be able to provide you with a proper instructional strategy to present the content in a meaningful manner.
  1. Create an ID document: Any custom elearning content development process that skips this part is creating problems and should definitely be avoided. The ID document uses an instructional approach to break down the content into screens or courses and provides the visual and instructional elements to bring the entire team on the same page.
  1. Storyboard writing: Most of the elearning content development companies nowadays use either a word document or a powerpoint presentation for this purpose where the content is bifurcated into the various screens with proper instructions to the various parties involved as to their part in the development process.
  1. Prototype creation: Many clients want to skip this part quoting that it is something that is not useful later on but it is crucial to finalise all the interactives, colours, images, animations, etc. to be used in the final content at this stage. This stage is the part where all rewritings and revisions should be undertaken and tested on the final content management system before further development work starts.
  1. Create the course without audio: This is an often neglected but important step where all stakeholders get a final chance to modify the content and narration. Usually it is a costly process to change the audio files at a later date which also affects the quality.
  1. Check the content on the LMS: Any of the good elearning content development companies will ensure that the final course works perfectly on your LMS as well and is compliant with all standards of the LMS.   


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